In any progressive economy ports and terminals are a great source of income as they bridge the global gap and helps in the mobility of goods across the borders. It is extremely necessary to ensure complete security of ports and terminals to sustain great economies. The government strives to maintain national security along with monitoring of ports through policing and censoring. SkyDock integrated drones, for port and terminal security, are the most suitable automated surveillance system and is ideal as it encompasses the requirement for port and terminal safety. With specific landing ability and functional execution feature to work in extreme situations SkyDock system will be the best choice for port and terminal surveillance.

SkyDock integrated drones once deployed at shipping ports and freight terminals for visual assistance in asset management will enables the teams to view and review and also keep a track of current asset condition dashboards, asset management information and its mobility forward and also to build inspection reports, with only a browser required to access all the gathered data. With upsurge in e-commerce industry, SkyDock integrated drones will become mainstream in delivery of packages at doorsteps along with keeping the track of the package as it is shipped or aired trans-continents. With high payload capability and stability in windy conditions SkyDock integrated drones help the port and terminal industry to manage logistics.

More than just serving the purpose of inspection of warehouses and storage areas, SkyDock integrated drones when deployed indoors can be used for scanning pallets in distribution centers, viewing the inventory stored on the ground and can be precisely used to spot and search for misplaced items in hard-to-reach locations.

SkydDock integrated rones allow for wide accessibility and precision during functional operations at ports and terminals which include inspection of supply chain infrastructure, repetitive counting of warehouse inventory and monitoring of weights of container yards.

With combined artificial intelligence SkyDock integrated drones will be a great solution for off the shelf warehouses and can easily search for QR codes, manufacturing dates and counting of the inventory. With usage of SkyDock integrated drones at ports and terminals the cost and expense of data keeping of inventory, human error during cycle counting and extensive hours on data keeping regarding storage houses can be reduced. Use of drones will also improve transparency and can help maintain logistics at ports and terminals with encrypted data the chances of leakage to other countries is also minimized and the functions can be performed internally with full circle security.

SkyDock integrated autonomous drones are equipped with advanced apparatus capabilities to provide clear visual data to port & terminal personnel across the globe and assure security patrols of coastal areas and routine inspection of terminals






tảitools   Ativador Windows 8, 8.1